Metal particles in the lubrication system of an aircraft engine or hydraulic system may be an indication of wear. Chip detectors are used to monitor these systems to provide early warning of impending failure so that maintenance can be performed on a timely basis. The detector houses magnets incorporated into an electric circuit. Magnetic lines […]
June 2021

Some of the nice innovative features of B787
Majority of airplane structure made from light weight carbon fiber reinforced plastic (#CFRP). Lower cabin altitude pressurization (6000 ft) due to CFRP strength lower Pressure with higher Humidity gives improved air quality in the cabin, larger flight deck and larger passenger windows. Flight deck with liquid crystal display (LCD) primary display system (PDS). – Common […]

NLG (nose landing gear) of an 8 years old British Airways Boeing B787-What kind of repairs are expected ?
On 18th June, we witnessed the collapse of NLG (nose landing gear) of an 8 years old British Airways Boeing B787-8 (G-ZBJB) aircraft while parked on a gate. Is this event a first timer ? What kind of repairs are expected ? ✔Ofcourse , the Dreamliner NLG collapse is not for the first time ! […]

How are the Runways numbered ? What does the numbers signify in parallel runways ?
✔Generally , the direction of the runways are determined as a part of airport design, where the designers research the prevailing winds – the direction of wind to aid aircraft takeoff and landing. ✔Runway numbers are based on the magnetic compass direction they are oriented to and consist of two numbers. ✔If the magnetic direction […]

All Aerospace & Aeronautics university and school in the world. It’s may help you to search any university of Aerospace & Aeronautics in your choice country.
Aerospace (or aeronautical) engineering can be studied at the bachelors, masters and Ph.D. levels in aerospace engineering departments at many universities, and in mechanical engineering departments at others. Argentina: Universidad Nacional de CordobaUniversidad Nacional de La PlataUniversidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional HaedoInstituto Universitario AeronáuticoUniversidad Nacional de San Martín Australia: Australian Defence Force AcademyRMIT UniversityMonash UniversityUniversity […]

The aircraft lost the upper part of its rudder early in the flight.
1989 – British Airways Concorde flying from Christchurch to Sydney. G-BOAF, was operating a charter flight from Christchurch, New Zealand to Sydney, Australia. The aircraft lost the upper part of its rudder early in the flight. She was climbing and at approximately Mach 1.7 at FL440, the pilots heard a bang, which they thought came […]