September 2022

Korean Air Aircraft Strikes Tail Of Iceland Air Aircraft At London Heathrow Airport
A minor incident involving two aircraft occurred this evening at London Heathrow (LHR/EGLL) when a Korean Air Boeing 777-300 clipped the tail of an Icelandair Boeing 767 whilst taxiing.It is understood that the Korean air flight, operating KE908, clipped the 767 with its wing.A spokesperson for Heathrow airport confirmed the incident but also added that […]

Copa Airlines Boeing 737-800 suffered a runway excursion
Copa Airlines Boeing 737-800 (HP-1539CMP) suffered a runway excursion on landing runway 03R at Panama City-Tocumen airport (PTY) coming to rest on soft ground. Flight #CM135 from Mexico City was evacuated. No injuries reported.

Great Mechanic
Efficient maintenance operations require qualified, experienced and competent aircraft mechanics. However, airlines and MROs are about to face a new challenge: the existing workforce is diminishing but demand for mechanics is expected to rise sharply in the future. This shortage risk is based on a retiring population and the effects of the pandemic, but may […]

A Boeing 737-400 cargo West Atlantic
A Boeing 737-400 cargo West Atlantic operated by Swiftair Spain, registered EC-NLS, has left the runway in Montpelier (France) airport after a flight from Paris CDG on Friday and Saturday night. The plane stopped in the lake at the end of the runway, and the three crew members left the Boeing 737 without problems. The […]

Cabin Pressurization Safety Valve
A combination pressure and vacuum valve meant to prevent cabin pressurization from exceeding safe limits. The valve normally combines the functions of overpressure relief valve, vacuum relief valve, and dump valve. The overpressure relief valve prevents cabin pressure from exceeding specific values; the vacuum relief valve ensures that ambient pressure is less than cabin pressure […]

Aircraft Vibrations
There are two main types of aircraft vibrations: normal and abnormal. Normal vibrations regularly occur when an airplane is in flight and during takeoff and landing. These oscillating or reciprocating motions do not indicate potential defects with the aircraft or its engines and can be explained by routine operations such as flying through turbulence or […]

Safe Aircraft Refueling
Safe refuelling operations require strict adherence to procedures and careful application of the safety precautions, not only by the refuelling operators but also flight crew, the cabin crew and the other ground operators. This article highlights the safety precautions that must be considered when refuelling an aircraft. It also describes supplementary tasks that are necessary […]

Fatal Accidents
The number of accidents today is significantly lower than a comparable year more than 15 years ago The number of flights on commercial jet aircraft was continuously growing prior to the effects of the pandemic. In spite of this growth, the number of accidents was decreasing each decade. The number of flights in 2021 was […]

Take Care of Your Brakes
All Brakes are subject to wear. Some brakes may also experience oxidation which can lead to brake rupture. In the case of a brake rupture or if brakes are too worn, the aircraft braking performance is reduced. This can result in a runway overrun if the full braking capacity is required such as during a […]

India Express B738 at Muscat on Sep 14th 2022, rejected takeoff due to engine fire
An Air India Express Boeing 737-800, registration VT-AXZ performing flight IX-442 from Muscat (Oman) to Kochi (India) with 145 passengers, was accelerating for takeoff from Muscat’s runway 08L at about 11:35L (07:35Z) when the crew rejected takeoff at low speed (about 40 knots over ground) due to a right hand engine (CFM56) fire indication. The […]

A torque link damper is fitted on each MLG on A320 aircraft. The torque-link-damper is a spring-centered, two-way hydraulic unit, which has its own (pressurized) hydraulic reservoir. Its function is to decrease the landing vibrations through the torque links. The torque-link damper is on the bottom of the upper torque-link and operates through the apex […]

747 dropped a part of an engine while climbing
An Air Atlanta Boeing 747-400 operating for Magma Aviation, departed Liege (Belgium) on September 8, 2022 and dropped part of an engine while climbing out at about 1145PM. Flight radar shows the aircraft continued to FL330 and landed in Malta without further incident about 2.5 hours later. People in the area were woken by huge […]

Landing with Nosewheels at 90 degrees
In the past few years, several events occurred involving landing with the Nose Landing Gear (NLG) wheels turned to 90° from the aircraft centerline. The investigations identified the root causes, which were different for each event. Mitigating actions were developed and deployed accordingly. This article describes the outcomes of investigations into several events of aircraft […]

Airframe Vibrations
As moveable structural components such as control surfaces and landing gear doors age, wear of hinges and actuators can sometimes lead to airframe vibrations. These vibrations can cause noise and physical discomfort in the passenger cabin. To prevent further deterioration of components, the cause of vibration should be quickly identified and removed. For this, maintenance […]

Fuel Microbiological Contamination
An aircraft fuel tank provides the perfect conditions for microbiological contamination to develop, especially when operating in hot and humid environments. Problems caused by microbiological contamination of fuel can range from inaccurate or erroneous fuel quantity readings to structural corrosion and engine fuel supply difficulties caused by clogged fuel filters. As a result, if treatment […]