This is the very reason crew need to do their lav checks because look at what passengers are doing in there!

TikTok user barfly7777 made a viral video cooking shrimp in the dirty lav sink on a Delta flight. He used 2 6V batteries wired to an electric water beverage heater to boil the sink water and then added seasoning, garlic butter, and instant mashed potatoes and served it up inside a barf bag.

Passenger says “The stuff I got looks like a bomb” as he films his tiktok video including a scene going through TSA and then onboard a Delta flight using water boiling element with two 6 volt batteries boils shrimp and instant mashed potato in the rest room. He then proceeded to eat it out of the Delta sick bag.

If somebody from Delta would like to track this hillbilly down (user barfly7777) and have the FBI pay him a visit the rest of us would be appreciative

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