Emergency – Dual bleed loss Scenario of A320 family / A330 aircrafts inflight – Crew action !

✈ Dual bleed Loss Scenario :

πŸ‘‰ A Dual Bleed Loss situation corresponds to the loss of both engine bleed air systems.

πŸ‘‰ The Loss of the first bleed system may be either be triggered inflight or dispatch under MEL from departure.

πŸ‘‰ The remaining engine bleed system (second) is capable of supplying all the bleed functions.

πŸ‘‰ Under above circumstances, a fault on this second system triggers the ‘DBL’ situation.

✈A320 Family / A330 Dual bleed loss Crew action !

A Dual Bleed Loss requires a quick identification of the situation and a rapid reaction.

πŸ‘‰ A single reset of each engine bleed (provided there is no bleed leak).

πŸ‘‰ If the reset is unsuccessful, rapid initiation of the descent, (when above FL100).

πŸ‘‰ APU start (Backup bleed source is the APU).

πŸ‘‰ APU bleed selection when within the APU bleed envelope (FL220/200 depending on APU).

πŸ‘‰ A second reset at lower altitude (High success rate).

✈Note : Always Refer FCOM/QRH for actions.

Author – Tanmay Palei
Sr. Aircraft Structure Engineer

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