Emergency – Dual bleed loss Scenario of A320 family / A330 aircrafts inflight – Crew action !

β Dual bleed Loss Scenario :
π A Dual Bleed Loss situation corresponds to the loss of both engine bleed air systems.
π The Loss of the first bleed system may be either be triggered inflight or dispatch under MEL from departure.
π The remaining engine bleed system (second) is capable of supplying all the bleed functions.
π Under above circumstances, a fault on this second system triggers the ‘DBL’ situation.
βA320 Family / A330 Dual bleed loss Crew action !
A Dual Bleed Loss requires a quick identification of the situation and a rapid reaction.
π A single reset of each engine bleed (provided there is no bleed leak).
π If the reset is unsuccessful, rapid initiation of the descent, (when above FL100).
π APU start (Backup bleed source is the APU).
π APU bleed selection when within the APU bleed envelope (FL220/200 depending on APU).
π A second reset at lower altitude (High success rate).
βNote : Always Refer FCOM/QRH for actions.

Author β Tanmay Palei
Sr. Aircraft Structure Engineer