Fokker F50 operating for the United Nations was involved in an accident in South Sudan on Rubkona’s dirt runway. The aircraft went off the runway, and suffered the collapse of the left main gear and damage to the left propeller and engine. There were no injuries.

Registration 5Y-JSN is shown in the photos, but this registration doesn’t show in the Kenya records. It is possible it is a new unprocessed registration. 5Y is the Aircraft registration code for Kenya. It has been known for some operators to change registration without authority to avoid regulations, maintenance requirements or landing charges.

5Y-JXN is a Fokker F50 registered to Jubba Airways but that F50 has a blue tail

South Sudan’s Information Minister reported the cargo plane on a flight from Juba to Rubkona went off the runway while landing in Rubkona. The aircraft carried 3 crew, who were not injured, and food items for the UN Mission.

Other South Sudan Officials said the aircraft, an Antonov, went off the runway while taking off for a flight from Rubkona to Juba.

According to media the aircraft had been chartered by ES-KO International, who had been contracted by UN to provide food services.

Source – Airline secret exposed Facebook page

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