What are possible situations which may lead in an aircraft exceeding speed limits?

There are many possible situations. In high speed jet aircraft, the pilots need to keep a very close eye on the speed indication, particularly when cruising at high altitudes. When in cruise, the aircraft speed is usually just a few knots below the vmo/ mmo (Maximum operating speed/ Maximum operating Mach). So, a speed excursion is highly […]

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Why is there an altitude limitation on operating the slats/flaps on the A320?

The altitude limitation on operating the slats/flaps of the A320 aircraft exists because Airbus did not conduct tests on the flaps and slats at altitudes above 20,000 ft. This decision was made because testing the effects of flaps and slats at higher altitudes becomes more complex. As the aircraft ascends, the impact of compressibility on […]

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A320 Mooring points and Alternative of concrete blocks

The purpose of mooring is to prevent damage to the aircraft on the ground in high wind conditions.However, mooring points are not always present in the parking area or they might exist in insufficient numbers or at inappropriate positions to allow a straightforward application of the AMM mooring procedureFor aircraft on ground parked or in […]

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