When the takeoff weight is lower than the maximum performance-limited weight, the takeoff can be made with a reduced thrust. All bigger size jets use this method of “assumed temperature”. In Airbus, it happens to be called FLEX, short of flexible temperature. The maximum takeoff thrust is limited by outside air temperature (OAT). By assuming […]

Why Are Planes’ Landing Gear Tilted?
The main reason why the landing gear of an airliner tilts is to make the aircraft more stable during takeoff and landing. The wheels on the landing gear are not parallel to the fuselage, but are set at an angle. This allows the aircraft to have a lower center of gravity and to be more […]

Can turbulence cause structural failure in airplanes?
Turbulence can cause structural failure in airplanes, but it is very rare. Airplanes are designed to withstand significant turbulence and are regularly maintained to ensure their structural integrity. However, severe turbulence can cause damage to an airplane and, in rare cases, result in structural failure. It is important to note that turbulence can also cause […]

What does RAT MAN signify when it comes to the switch on an A320 aircraft?
Visit –https://hub.daddyssolutions.com/demo/debug1/blog/ for more interesting articles. The aircraft has two switches for manually extending the RAT, one on the hydraulics control panel and the other on the emergency electrical configuration panel, both found on the main overhead panel. The RAT is designed to automatically deploy when it detects a loss of two AC generators, resulting in […]

Can jet engines melt?
Visit –https://hub.daddyssolutions.com/demo/debug1/blog/ for more interesting articles. Yes. Gas turbine engine designers jump through hoops to keep that from happening. They create turbine blades out of special heat resistant, high-strength allows and with holes and internal ducting through which coolant is pumped: They coat the turbine blades with insulating cermics: And they carefully control the fuel-air mix, […]

Runway overrun due to unstable approach caused by pilot error
Visit –https://hub.daddyssolutions.com/demo/debug1/blog/ for more interesting articles. “Why are you swimming in the water?” 30 years ago on 4 Nov 1993Runway overrun due to unstable approach caused by pilot errorat Kai Tak Airport, British Hong Kong Aircraft type Boeing 747-409. Operator China AirlinesIATA flight No. CI605ICAO flight No. CAL605Call sign DYNASTY 605Registration B-165Flight origin Chiang Kai-shek International […]

Fatal accident rate per million departures
Visit –https://hub.daddyssolutions.com/demo/debug1/blog/ for more interesting articles. All modern passenger airliners are incredibly safe as they have multiple redundancies and fail safes. Even the planes with the worst track records in history are somewhat safer than we think. Judging by the flight hours, neither aircraft has seen enough service to produce an accurate result for us to […]

BAe Jetstream Bird strike
A BAe Jetstream 31 belonging to Lanhsa Airlines received major damages to its nose Radome due to a big bird hit , and the aircraft made an emergency landing at Puerto Lempira Airport (PEU/MHPL). No further incident reported. 📸NOTICIAS MUSKITIAHN Source – FL360Aero

What is the working method behind CAT III landing system?
Categories of Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) The ILS is categorized into three different categories: CAT I, CAT II, and CAT III. CAT III is further divided into three subcategories: CAT IIIa, CAT IIIb, and CAT IIIc. Each category has specific requirements and limitations regarding visibility and decision heights (DH). CAT IIIb and CAT IIIc allow […]

Recent Incidents of A321 Tail-Strikes
Airbus A321 ‘tail-strikes’ continue to remain a concern and impose costly repairs for operators compared to other Variants of A320 Family or Other Models ! Take a look at the recent incidents of A321 tail strikes. – On 14 April 23 , Airbus A321-251NX aircraft (VT-IML) of IndiGo did a tail strike while landing on […]

A330 Fuel System
Source – Airbus The fuel system has different functions, which are: storage, venting and scavenge, engine feed, APU feed, main and trim transfers, refuel/defuel, jettison as an option, and the maintenance/test facilities. The fuel is stored in six tanks. In each wing, there are an outer and an inner tanks divided into two parts: the […]

The Ice and Rain Protection System lets the aircraft operate without restriction in icing conditions or heavy rain. Hot air or electrical heating protects critical areas of the aircraft. The different sub systems of the Ice and Rain Protection System are: Wing ice protection, Engine air intake ice protection, Probe ice protection, Windshield anti-icing, defogging […]