How can you start a jet engine?

In general, the main challenge with starting a turbine engine is ensuring there is sufficient airflow before introducing fuel. If the compressor blades are not pushing enough air through the engine, introducing fuel and beginning combustion will cause the engine to overheat and will damage it. This is called a hot start. So, every jet engine […]

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Are anti-ice an option or mandatory when flying in cold weather and a high altitude? How serious of an issue is forgetting to turn anti-ice on?

Anti-icing systems are an option for aircraft, but they are typically mandatory in cold weather and high altitude conditions. This is because ice can form on an aircraft’s wings, tail, and other surfaces, which can greatly reduce the aircraft’s lift and cause it to stall or crash. Forgetting to turn anti-ice on is a very […]

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Fatal accident rate per million departures

Visit – for more interesting articles. All modern passenger airliners are incredibly safe as they have multiple redundancies and fail safes. Even the planes with the worst track records in history are somewhat safer than we think. Judging by the flight hours, neither aircraft has seen enough service to produce an accurate result for us to […]

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How FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Controls) has revolutionized?

How FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Controls) has revolutionized the Aviation industry & Modern Turbofan Engine Operations in terms of Autonomy, Reliability & Efficiency through micro-management? ✔Back in 1970s ,Baby steps were taken & Digital Engine Controls were introduced with the ‘DEEC’ for the PW JT9D engines. ✔By 1980s, demand surged, ‘FADEC’ had to evolve […]

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