The elevators are typically located on the horizontal stabilizer at the tail of the aircraft and are used to control the aircraft’s pitch, which refers to the up and down motion of the nose. When the aircraft elevators become jammed, it means that the primary control surfaces responsible for pitch control are stuck and cannot […]
aircraft engineering

China Eastern A330 near Xiamen on Dec 3rd 2023, uncontained engine failure
A China Eastern Airbus A330-300, registration B-8970 performing flight MU-721 from Shanghai Hongquiao to Hong Kong (China), was enroute at 10400 meters (about FL341) about 30nm north of Xiamen (China) when the left hand engine (Trent 772) suffered the separation of one and a half of the fan blades ejecting the fan blades through the […]

Why Are Planes’ Landing Gear Tilted?
The main reason why the landing gear of an airliner tilts is to make the aircraft more stable during takeoff and landing. The wheels on the landing gear are not parallel to the fuselage, but are set at an angle. This allows the aircraft to have a lower center of gravity and to be more […]

Can turbulence cause structural failure in airplanes?
Turbulence can cause structural failure in airplanes, but it is very rare. Airplanes are designed to withstand significant turbulence and are regularly maintained to ensure their structural integrity. However, severe turbulence can cause damage to an airplane and, in rare cases, result in structural failure. It is important to note that turbulence can also cause […]

What is the purpose of the split winglets on the 737 Max?
More specifically, Boeing refer to these as Advanced Technology winglets, or AT winglets for short. Over the current technology winglets, Boeing say AT gives a 1.5% fuel burn efficiency whilst also providing more lift. This extra lift component is vectored away from the fuselage, effectively creating more lift whilst not actually lengthening the wingspan horizontally. This is […]

Are anti-ice an option or mandatory when flying in cold weather and a high altitude? How serious of an issue is forgetting to turn anti-ice on?
Anti-icing systems are an option for aircraft, but they are typically mandatory in cold weather and high altitude conditions. This is because ice can form on an aircraft’s wings, tail, and other surfaces, which can greatly reduce the aircraft’s lift and cause it to stall or crash. Forgetting to turn anti-ice on is a very […]

What does RAT MAN signify when it comes to the switch on an A320 aircraft?
Visit – for more interesting articles. The aircraft has two switches for manually extending the RAT, one on the hydraulics control panel and the other on the emergency electrical configuration panel, both found on the main overhead panel. The RAT is designed to automatically deploy when it detects a loss of two AC generators, resulting in […]

Can jet engines melt?
Visit – for more interesting articles. Yes. Gas turbine engine designers jump through hoops to keep that from happening. They create turbine blades out of special heat resistant, high-strength allows and with holes and internal ducting through which coolant is pumped: They coat the turbine blades with insulating cermics: And they carefully control the fuel-air mix, […]

Runway overrun due to unstable approach caused by pilot error
Visit – for more interesting articles. “Why are you swimming in the water?” 30 years ago on 4 Nov 1993Runway overrun due to unstable approach caused by pilot errorat Kai Tak Airport, British Hong Kong Aircraft type Boeing 747-409. Operator China AirlinesIATA flight No. CI605ICAO flight No. CAL605Call sign DYNASTY 605Registration B-165Flight origin Chiang Kai-shek International […]

Fatal accident rate per million departures
Visit – for more interesting articles. All modern passenger airliners are incredibly safe as they have multiple redundancies and fail safes. Even the planes with the worst track records in history are somewhat safer than we think. Judging by the flight hours, neither aircraft has seen enough service to produce an accurate result for us to […]

BAe Jetstream Bird strike
A BAe Jetstream 31 belonging to Lanhsa Airlines received major damages to its nose Radome due to a big bird hit , and the aircraft made an emergency landing at Puerto Lempira Airport (PEU/MHPL). No further incident reported. 📸NOTICIAS MUSKITIAHN Source – FL360Aero

What is a Minimum Equipment List (MEL)?
Visit – for more interesting articles. A minimum equipment list is the regulating authority and manufactures legal requirements for an aircraft to fly under specific conditions. The required equipment MUST be operational (unless there is some type of waiver) in order to be “air worthy” and meet “type design”. The minimum equipment list (MEL) for an […]

A320 Mooring points and Alternative of concrete blocks
The purpose of mooring is to prevent damage to the aircraft on the ground in high wind conditions.However, mooring points are not always present in the parking area or they might exist in insufficient numbers or at inappropriate positions to allow a straightforward application of the AMM mooring procedureFor aircraft on ground parked or in […]

Rethinking Flight Safety With Air Bags In Planes
There was a time — maybe 25 years ago — when the idea of putting air bags in planes would have been seen as pointless. For decades, aviation safety focused mainly on avoiding accidents on the theory that if a crash occurred, nobody could survive anyway. But more recently, safety experts have discovered that even […]

Bernoulli’s Theorem
A practical application of Bernoulli’s theorem with which the pilot should be familiar is the Venturi tube, sometimes called a convergent / divergent duct The Venturi tube has an inlet which narrows to a throat, and an outlet section, relatively longer, which increases in diameter towards the rear. For a flow of air to remain […]

Why is Boeing not happy even after Re-certification of Boeing 737-Max ?
Why is Boeing not happy even after Re-certification of Boeing 737-Max ? How B787 Dreamliner’s Dormant Structural Woes are going to bite the aerospace giant real hard, atleast financially ? ✔Once Undisputed King of the Aerospace world, Boeing is facing issues one after another. ✔The Issue: 👉B787’s Carbon composite Fuselage & Horizontal stabilizer segments found […]

Emergency – Dual bleed loss Scenario of A320 family / A330 aircraft inflight – Crew action !
Emergency – Dual bleed loss Scenario of A320 family / A330 aircrafts inflight – Crew action ! ✈ Dual bleed Loss Scenario : 👉 A Dual Bleed Loss situation corresponds to the loss of both engine bleed air systems. 👉 The Loss of the first bleed system may be either be triggered inflight or dispatch […]

How FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Controls) has revolutionized?
How FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Controls) has revolutionized the Aviation industry & Modern Turbofan Engine Operations in terms of Autonomy, Reliability & Efficiency through micro-management? ✔Back in 1970s ,Baby steps were taken & Digital Engine Controls were introduced with the ‘DEEC’ for the PW JT9D engines. ✔By 1980s, demand surged, ‘FADEC’ had to evolve […]

Why Aircraft Radome repairs should be of highest standards to upkeep the airworthiness ?
Why Aircraft Radome repairs should be of highest standards to upkeep the airworthiness ? How a small paint patch repair can hinder weather radar functions ? ✔A radome is a Fairing whose primary purpose is to protect a radar antenna from various elements. ✔Physically, a radome should be strong enough to withstand the airloads & […]

A330 Fuel System
Source – Airbus The fuel system has different functions, which are: storage, venting and scavenge, engine feed, APU feed, main and trim transfers, refuel/defuel, jettison as an option, and the maintenance/test facilities. The fuel is stored in six tanks. In each wing, there are an outer and an inner tanks divided into two parts: the […]

Retired passenger aircraft to water bombers
Forest and wildfires are worsening every year, according to NASA, and battling them is no easy task. The blazes can decimate millions of acres and reduce lush green forests to smoldering piles of ash in a matter of weeks. While firefighters do what they can from the ground, they’ll often call for air support in the […]