Singapore Airlines 747 Accident

Singapore Airlines 747 Cargo at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport Nairobi, the capital and largest city of Kenya. Reports are that following bird ingestion on takeoff roll an aborted takeoff was conducted. Witnesses reported seeing flames allegedly coming from an engine. 16 tires were damaged in the emergency braking manoeuvre. The cargo was offloaded from the […]

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Cosmic Girl launches LauncherOne

‘Cosmic Girl’ launches ‘LauncherOne’ – Virgin Orbit launches a 70 feet Rocket named LauncherOne Using Boeing747 aircraft nicknamed Cosmic Girl. Virgin Orbit’s 747 took off from California around 10:30 am PT with the rocket nestled beneath the aircraft’s left wing. While flying over the Pacific Ocean, the rocket was released, & allowing it to power […]

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Retired passenger aircraft to water bombers

Forest and wildfires are worsening every year, according to NASA, and battling them is no easy task. The blazes can decimate millions of acres and reduce lush green forests to smoldering piles of ash in a matter of weeks.  While firefighters do what they can from the ground, they’ll often call for air support in the […]

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